TRIADS Training Series: Standard IRB Practices
This two-session course will provide participants with an introduction to the IRB Review Process at Washington University and share tips for preparing and submitting a project in WashU IRB’s electronic submission system, myIRB. This class is intended for researchers who conduct or plan to conduct human subjects research at WashU. This class will be led by staff from the Human Resources Protection Office.
This class will be fully in-person, and participants will use their own laptops.
TRIADS training workshops are co-sponsored by University Library Data Services, as part of the DataLab Workshops series.
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Location: DUC 234
Instructor: Mitchell Saulisbury-Robertson
Max enrollment: Enrollment is limited to 30. If you enroll and elect not to attend, please let us know ASAP so we can offer the space to another participant.