Jacob Montgomery

Jacob Montgomery

Jacob Montgomery

Professor of Political Science
Chair of the Political Science Concentration for Division of Computational and Data Sciences
PhD, Duke University
Research interests:
  • Data Science
  • Political Communication
  • American Politics
  • Social Media
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    Contact info:

    Mailing address:

    • Washington University MSC 1063-228-249 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

    Professor Montgomery's research focuses on how to use advanced methods from statistics and computer science for core social science tasks including measurement and theory testing with a special focus on American politics and (more recently) social media.

    Jacob Montgomery is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at WashU and chair of the political science concentration for the newly formed Division of Computational and Data Sciences. His research focuses on how to use advanced computational methods for core social science tasks including measurement, theory testing, survey research, and causal inference. Substantively, his research focus is on social media, political parties, and American politics.

    He has published in many of the field's leading journals—including the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, and Political Analysis—and his work has received support from the National Science Foundation. He earned a bachelor of arts from Wake Forest University in political science and mathematical economics. At Duke University, he earned a master of science in statistical science and his doctorate in political science.


      Applied Statistical Programming (PS 4625)
      Measurement and Latent Trait Models (PS 539)
      Quantitative Political Methodology (PS 363)
      American Political Parties (PS 5225)