TRIADS Training Series: Introduction to Python


TRIADS Training Series: Introduction to Python

This four-session course will provide participants with a basic foundation in the Python programming language that can be built upon through more specialized courses (at TRIADS or elsewhere).

Python is a highly user-friendly programming language due to the variety of existing packages and libraries already available for different needs, including data analysis and visualization, text analysis, machine learning, and web development. It is therefore a particularly suitable language for beginner programmers.

This class is intended for graduate students and faculty from any field at WashU who are interested in developing programming skills for use in research, and aims to enable researchers to make use of new advances in digital and data-based methods in their field. The course is designed for maximum accessibility – no background in any programming language or quantitative methods is required. 

This class will be fully in-person, and participants will use their own laptops.

Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11.30 - 1 p.m.

Location: Olin Library Level A, Instruction Room 3

Max enrollment: Enrollment is limited to 20. If you enroll and elect not to attend, please let us know ASAP so we can offer the space to another participant. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this class.

Learning Goals:

  • Become comfortable working from the command line
  • Understand the basic concepts and logic underlying programming in general, and Python in particular;
  • Learn the basic building blocks of Python programs (lists, loops, functions etc.)