TRIADS Training Series: Data Analysis and Visualization with Python


TRIADS Training Series: Data Analysis and Visualization with Python

This four-session course will introduce participants to the primary packages and methods for data analysis and visualization in Python. Initial sessions will explore how to use the popular Pandas library for the management and preliminary analysis of data, with a particular focus on CSV and JSON format datasets. In later sessions, you will learn how to produce customized static and interactive visualizations of your data using the Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly and Bokeh libraries. This class is intended for graduate students, faculty and staff at Wash U who have basic familiarity with Python and want to further develop their skills in data analysis and visualization in the language for their research, and aims to enable researchers to make use of new advances in digital and data-based methods in their own field. Participants who have taken TRIADS beginner Introduction to Python course are encouraged to continue their skills development through this course.

This class will be fully in-person, and participants will use their own laptops.

TRIADS training workshops are co-sponsored by University Library Data Services, as part of the DataLab Workshops series.

Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11.30-1p.m.

Location: Olin Library Level A Instruction Room 3

Instructor: Claudia Carroll

Max enrollment: Enrollment is limited to 20. If you enroll and elect not to attend, please let us know ASAP so we can offer the space to another participant.