Joshua​ Jackson
Joshua Jackson

Joshua Jackson

Associate Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Saul and Louise Rosenzweig Associate Professor of Personality Science
PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
BS, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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  • Washington University CB 1125 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Professor Jackson studies the development and assessment of personality.

Jackson's current research  focuses on identifying the antecedents – such as genetic and environmental factors – that are responsible for changes in personality, with a particular focus on educational experiences. His work also examines the ways in which different assessment methods can influence how personality development is estimated. For example, some of his current studies examine the overlap and discrepancies between different modalities of personality assessment (e.g., self-reports, observer-reports, behavioral and physiological measures) across the lifespan.

Selected Publications

Jackson, J.J. Connolly, J.J., Garrison, M, Levine, M., Connolly, S.L. (in press). Your friends know how long you will live: a 75 year study of peer-rated personality traits. Psychological Science 

Weston, S., Hill, P. L. & Jackson, J.J. (in press).  Personality traits predict the onset of major disease. Social Personality Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/1948550614553248    

Solomon, B. C., & Jackson, J. J. (2014). The long reach of one’s spouse: Spousal personality influences occupational success. Psychological Science.25, 2189-2198

Jackson, J. J.  & Allemand, M. (2014). Moving personality development research forward: utilizing structural equation models. European Journal of Personality, 28, 300-310.

Mike, A., Oltmanns, T. F., & Jackson, J. J (2014). The Conscientious Retiree: The relationship between conscientiousness, retirement, and volunteering. Journal of Research in Personality, 52, 68-77.  

Solomon, B. & Jackson, J.J. (2014). Why do personality traits predict divorce? Multiple pathways through satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 978-996    

Jackson, J. J., Thoemmes, F., Jonkmann, K., Lüdtke, O., & Trautwien, U. (2012). Military training and personality trait development: Does the military make the man or does the man make the military? Psychological Science, 23, 270 - 277.

Jackson, J. J., Hill, P. L., Payne, B. R., Roberts, B. W., & Stine-Morrow, E. A. (2012). Can an old dog learn (and want to experience) new tricks? Cognitive training increases openness to experience in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 27, 286 - 292